Reporting Module

Reporting Module

This is a short explanation on the Reports we offer and in particular the concept of Base Reports and Report Templates.

Base Reports

  • Offers a flexible layout regarding the position and choice of columns

  • Grouping and/or sorting of results up to three levels. Top level can be divided into different tabs (Excel) or pages (pdf)

  • Special features like row numbering, dynamic coloring of text and/or background can be added

Trip Base Reports

  • Focus on presenting trips and drivers and all details of a trip

  • Grouping and sorting is usually done on Asset Groups, Drivers or Time periods

Fleet Base Report

  • Focus on calculating usage statistics over a group of Assets over a certain period of time

  • Min/Max/Avg and Totals can be calculated on various items

  • Main columns are Asset and Driver details and statistics about Distance Travelled, Hours of operation and some of the ‘Abuse’ aspects like Idling, Accel/Deceleration

  • Main rows displayed are usually aggregated data over a day for an asset or a driver

Abuse Base Reports

  • Focus on abusive use of an Asset (although some statistics are not abuse but intended use like a door open/close period, or a PTO period

  • The data for this report is retrieved from ‘Episodes’ which are basically periods of time a certain event has happened. Event can be speed, idling, PTO, door contact, RPM, Accel/Decel, and all other events that can be triggered from devices that are added on the input/auxiliary ports of a device

  • There is some overlap between data that can be retrieved by an Abuse Base Report and a Fleet Base Report. But in either case the numbers should be equal

Utilization Base Report

  • These reports are specifically made for clients that use work schedules.

  • The report shows basis statistics like the Fleet Base Report shows but it can divide these numbers between the ones that are recorded outside or inside the specific work schedule

  • Utilization data can be aggregated over time, by driver or by asset

Localization Base Report

  • These reports show all details of a list of locations.

  • As this report takes data directly from the locations stored in the database it can only be used for recent locations, because we remove locations from the database after 3 months.

  • We do not encourage the use of these reports because they can be quite heavy when a broad selection is being made

Report Templates

We do not recommend to use the base reports for creating a reports subscription for a client but to start with one of the provided report templates. These templates already select the correct options and columns for the required report for a client.

The following diagram shows the template report names and on which base report they are based. A client can also create their own templates by either starting from a base report or from a template and then set their own preferences and save the new template with the name of their choice.

<to be added a short description on eacht of the templates that are available>