Sprint 13 update

The new 360 update is available to you:

  • LC312A CAN fuel data
  • LC-D20 to support RFID over 1-wire
  • Added integration with INRIX
  • Upload data using Setup
  • Various improvements

LC312A CAN fuel data

LC312A has an optional CAN adapter which we've added support for. We can now read CAN data among which 'fuel level' and 'engine temperature' data. Much more CAN data is available from the CANbus but we need some restructering to be able to store and display can data.
Image result for teltonika can adapter

LC-D20 to support RFID over 1-wire

Added integration with INRIX

We now support forwarding location data to Inrix platform.

Upload data using Setup

Setup now allow you to upload data in bulk. This is available for assets, geofences and drivers.

Study on UI/UX improvement Backoffice (and web applications in general)


Various improvements

  • Fixed asset count in backoffice. It was off as it did not take into account archived assets.